Let’s Embrace Diversity and Encourage Freedom of Expression for all!


Join Us in Celebrating Pride Month 2023 with Visuable's Commitment to Inclusivity.

Visuable proudly embraces diversity, champions individual identity, and celebrates self-expression.

As part of International Pride Month, we would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone, reaffirming our commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace and business environment. Throughout June, we're excited to celebrate the vibrant world of diversity and express our support for the artistry of Drag Queens while making a positive impact through donations to LGBTQ+ causes.


At Visuable, we believe that every person should have the freedom to be their true selves, both in their personal lives and in the workplace. Our dedication to challenging societal norms extends far beyond the Pride month—it's a continuous effort to create an environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

We understand the importance of recognising and respecting the unique experiences and identities of individuals. By embracing our differences, we not only enrich our collective experience but also create a more vibrant and inclusive community that fosters employee and client wellbeing.

Central to our ethos is the recognition that individuals are multidimensional, defying simple categorisation and putting people in boxes. Particularly when discussing the LGBTQ+ community, we emphasise the importance of acknowledging the complexity and richness of each person's identity. We encourage everyone to embrace their authenticity, free from societal expectations and pre-defined norms. By encouraging individuals to bring their whole selves to work, we cultivate an environment of creativity, innovation, and collaboration where everyone, no matter who they are, can thrive.

At Visuable, we stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community, recognising the fundamental principles of equal rights, respect, and dignity for all. Our commitment extends far beyond Pride month as we strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, at all times, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression.


Our Ongoing Commitment to Inclusivity

At Visuable, we have written-up and published our inclusivity and anti-discriminatory policies. These policies represent our ongoing commitment to creating a workplace that is free from discrimination and embraces the diverse identities of our employees, suppliers, and clients.

With a zero-tolerance approach, we stand firm against any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, age, sex, pregnancies, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability, or religion. These policies reflect our belief in the inherent value and worth of every individual, fostering an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and celebrated for who they are.

You CAN Explore our inclusivity and anti-discriminatory policies:

logo of akt, a UK-based non-profit organization

Our 2022 Pledge to Support LGBTQ+ Youth

To support the LGBTQ+ youth in the UK, the Visuable team is proud to make a group donation to akt, a UK-based non-profit organization. Akt is dedicated to helping young people in the LGBTQ+ community find safe homes, employment, education, and training. As akt eloquently states, "No young person should have to choose between a safe home and being who they are."

You CAN Make Your Own Donation to Akt:

Person with bold makeup and stylish hair expressing freedom of expression

Our 2022 Pride Celebration

At Visuable, we believe that drag is more than just entertainment—it's a form of art that celebrates self-expression, inclusivity, and beauty.

As fellow artists, we are thrilled to support and uplift the talented Drag Queen artists who have paved the way for creativity and acceptance.

To kick off our Pride 2022 celebrations, we have planned a fun and empowering teambuilding experience – a Drag Queen Bingo. It's an opportunity for us to come together, embrace individuality, and strengthen our bonds as a team.

YOU CAN Book your own Drag Queen Bingo HERE:

Group of diverse people holding rainbow flags at a Pride event

Our 2021 Pride Initiatives

Visuable celebrated Pride Month in June 2021 with a series of initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity and equality at the workplace. We’ve organised a Pride Hour for the entire team to discuss workplace equality and inclusion in a safe environment. We’ve also played an LGBTQ+ History game together, fostering understanding and compassion. As part of our commitment to inclusivity, we’ve updated our consultation call process to include pronouns and provided training on how to make pronouns visible on Zoom.

We’ve also made several changes to the brand to demonstrate our support for the LGBTQ+ community, those included: turning our logo into a rainbow on the website and social media platforms for the month of June; a dedicated LGBTQ+ campaign page on the website, showcasing the outcomes of our efforts to create a more inclusive workplace; publishing of our inclusivity and anti-discriminatory policies, to reinforce our zero-tolerance approach towards discrimination.

We also took to social media to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ workplace issues, sharing statistics and information on how companies can foster a more inclusive environment. Additionally, we’ve created a collaborative Spotify playlist featuring LGBTQ+ anthems for everyone to enjoy and contribute to.

YOU CAN Find out more about our 2021 initiatives here:



As the Pride month approaches, the Visuable team invites our team members, clients, partners, and the wider community to join us in championing a culture of inclusivity, authenticity, and freedom of expression.

Let’s take a moment to reflect, celebrate, and take action to create a welcoming and accepting environment at workplaces around the globe!

Wishing you a joyous and happy Pride Month!
— Lidia & the Visuable Team

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