Brand Identity and Photography for Portman Rose | Bath, UK

Thank you Visuable. You did an incredible job!
— Rebecca Walker, Owner of Portman Rose

Brand Design

Brand Photography

Brand Identity | Housekeeping Service | Bath, UK

Who ıs Portman Rose

Portman Rose provides a range of services including housekeepers, housekeepers/Nanny’s, gardening, cooking, home and grounds maintenance and much more.

Before coming to us, Portman Rose was under another brand name that didn’t reflect the luxurious vibe Portman Rose wanted.

Because Portman Rose is in the housekeeping industry it was important to them to stand out and convey that they are more than just a cleaning business.
Our key role was to create a brand that felt unique, cool, and high end from brand design to brand photography.


What we did

We’ve created a clean, high end and editorial brand that included a logo, colour theme, typography, and social media templates.

The colour theme chosen included white, soft pastel pink and dark green to convey a classy vibe to attract those high-end clients Portman Rose wanted.

We also created a brand photoshoot to showcase the experience behind the brand and how their service differs from their competitors.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Housekeeping Service | Bath, UK

Logo designs

Logo Design | Housekeeping Service | Bath, UK
Logo Design | Housekeeping Service | Bath, UK
Logo Design | Housekeeping Service | Bath, UK

brand identity assets




what portman rose saıd about us

Love it!! I especially love the pale pink colour chosen for my brand . Thank You so much Visuable
— Rebecca Walker, Portman Rose



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