Brand Identity for The Traveling Light | New York, USA

I am obsessed with the brand concept.
— Natalie Torres, Founder of The Traveling Light


Logo Design | Coach | New York, USA

The Problem

Natalie is a gifted psychic medium that was born with the ability to see, feel, and hear, energy, spirit guides, and sacred symbols.The Traveling Light was founded after she came back from spending a summer in Costa Rica where she felt called to create a space for people to learn about their own natural healing abilities. Natalie came to us with the aim to create a brand identity with a minimal look that attracts and engages her audience, women who are looking for an inward journey to completely heal themselves. The overall brand vibe that Natalie was looking for was passionate, authentic, and spiritual.

our solution

We worked with Natalie to ensure that all branding elements including a logo, colour theme, typography, and bespoke graphics were in line with her vision. As a result, we’ve created a beautiful and clean brand featuring pastel colours and bespoke branding symbols inspired by Natalie’s personal experiences. Throughout the process, we had in mind that Natalie wanted to use these new assets to rebuild her website with the purpose to create an online nurturing environment and engage with people who are looking to experience their divinity, strength, and grace.

Brand Identity | Coach | New York, USA
Logo Design | Coach | New York, USA
logo designed by Visuable
Brand Identity | Coach | New York, USA
Brand Identity | Coach | New York, USA

the outcome

Love it, perfection!
— Natalie Torres, Founder of The Traveling Light

Where can we find you online?

Instagram: @thetravelinglight


are you looking to create a brilliant brand and website?


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