Brand Identity and Website Design for ConnectED Learning Group | London, UK

“Wow, the website looks stunning - can’t get my eyes off it!! Thank you”

— Marni Wedin, ConnectEd Learning Group


Brand Design

image sourcing

Squarespace Website Design

Website Design | Education | London, UK

The Problem

ConnectEd Learning Group provides end-to-end learning design services across multiple platforms, face to face and online. ConnectEd Learning Group did not have a brand or website prior to working with us. Our role in this process was to establish a strong brand identity that would capture their vision and mission to empower others through education and learning. ConnectED Learning Group was looking for a brand and website with a fun vibe.

our solution

We’ve created a contemporary, simple and youthful brand including a logo, colour theme, typography and social media templates. We’ve soured stock photos which we edited to fit the ConnectED learning brand style. We’ve used all those brand assets to create a simple, credible and contemporary website with lead capture mechanisms and blogging capabilities.

Brand Identity | Education | London, UK
Logo Design | Education | London, UK
Logo Design | Education | London, UK

the outcome

Since the website has launched, I’ve landed two more clients and received incredible feedback around the look and feel. Amazing!
— Marni Wedin, ConntectED Learning Group

Where can we find you online?


are you looking to create a brilliant brand and website?


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