Brand Identity and Website Design for Azure Farm Life | Georgia, USA


Squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Mailchimp template

Website Design | Farm Blog | Georgia, USA


At Azure Farm, they believe in laughter, loving fiercely, and slow living. They believe in pursuing a life where less is more and embracing nature’s blessings. They want to create a community with those both near and far and, hopefully, inspire people to slow down and enjoy the simple things.

They also created their on-demand video platform, HomeGrown, to entertain and educate anyone looking to begin this journey. It is their greatest joy to share organic gardening ideas, ways to care for your animals, inspiration for your home, and healthy garden-to-table recipes. 


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Farm Blog | Georgia, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Farm Blog | Georgia, USA
Logo Design | Farm Blog | Georgia, USA
Logo Design | Farm Blog | Georgia, USA

Brand identity assets


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