Brand Identity and Website Design for Kate Hannon Therapy | North Carolina, USA


squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Website Design | Therapist | North Carolina, USA

Who is Kate Hannon Therapy

With the drive to help women let go and heal what does not serve them, Kate Hannon's work allows her clients to find greater insight and meaning in life and to overcome challenges so that they feel happy and empowered.

What we did

We’ve worked with Kate to understand the essence of her brand and to develop and identity that perfectly matches. We’ve created a set of logos, crafted a colour palette, and hand picked the typography. Once the brand design was ready, we’ve sourced unique stock photos to match, and combined it all together to create a beautiful Scrolling website that positions Kate as an expert in her field.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Therapist | North Carolina, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Therapist  | North Carolina, USA
Logo Design | Therapist | North Carolina, USA
Logo Design | Therapist | North Carolina, USA

Brand identity assets

Brand identity Assets Design | Therapist | North Carolina, USA
Brand identity Assets Design | Therapist | North Carolina, USA

Where can we find you online?


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