Brand Identity and Website Design for Tamara Vaz Photography | New Jersey, USA


squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Website Design | Photographer | New Jersey, USA

Who is Lullabies for Josephine photography

 Lullabies for Josephine is a boutique studio that serves to create photography that celebrates beautiful family by creating a legacy of lasting memories, and giving each client a uniquely customised experience.

What we did

We’ve worked with the founder to come up with brand vision, and translated it into visual brand story. From logo, through colour and typography, to photos and eventually a website, we were there every step of the way to guide our client, offer advice, design, create and arrive at a stunningly beautiful website that now serves as a one stop shop for  Lullabies for Josephine customer’s to find out everything about the brand.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Photographer | New Jersey, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Photographer | New Jersey, USA
Logo Design | Photographer | New Jersey, USA
Logo Design | Photographer | New Jersey, USA

Brand identity assets

Brand Social Media Squares | Photographer | New Jersey, USA
Brand Social Media Assets | Photographer | New Jersey, USA

Where can we find you online?


are you looking to create a brilliant brand and website?


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