Brand Identity and Website Design for Sara Perretta Theraphy | Montreal, Canada


Squarespace Website design

Brand Design


business cards

Website Design | Therapist | Montreal, Canada

Who is Sara Perretta Theraphy

Sara Perretta is a human relations therapist and a member of the RITMA Association.

She has 15 years of experience working within the health and social services industry. Empathy is a value embedded in her practice as a therapist. As a therapist, she provides a warm and empathic supportive listening service for various themes, such as depression, anxiety, life transitions, relationship themes, and women's themes.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Therapist | Montreal, Canada

logo designs

Logo Design | Therapist | Montreal, Canada
Logo Design | Therapist | Montreal, Canada
Logo Design | Therapist | Montreal, Canada

Brand Assets


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